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Including the closely related terms energy efficiency, energy, and energy efficiency.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… as reducing those we currently produce. Reducing our global footprint: We will create a more circular economy, supporting action to reduce emissions that occur in other parts of the world as result of purchasing and another activity within the city. Fabric first: We will improve the energy efficiency of the city’s buildings, adopting fabric first approaches to reduce energy demand

…. The seven priority actions below respond to the top sources of emissions within the city and the key enabling activities needed to support action to address them. They are part of a comprehensive programme of action set out in the full 2030 Climate Strategy and supporting implementation plan. 1. We will accelerate energy efficiency in homes and buildings Energy to heat and power the city’s…

… of the Climate Strategy and Implementation Plan 4.3.1 Unlocking and accelerating energy efficiency in homes and buildings; 4.3.2 Enabling the development of a citywide programme of heat and energy generation and distribution infrastructure; 4.3.3 Accelerating the decarbonisation of public transport; 4.3.4 Renewing the focus on climate resilience and accelerating adaptation of the city; 4.3.5…

… includes new commitments on: 4.5.1 Collaborating with Scottish Government to develop a green investment pipeline for the city; 4.5.2 Developing investment strategies to support the city’s transition to clean energy and energy efficient buildings, a low carbon economy, net zero transport infrastructure, and to adapt the city to be resilient to future climate change; 4.5.3 Developing joined-up…

… of the city and council strategies, for example energy efficient public buildings where the scale of that challenge is now understood could stretch into billions. Policy and Sustainability Committee – 30 November 2021 4.20 These are detailed pieces of work that provide a cost profile for the council that can support wider costing for the city. Now that this level of detail is understood…


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