Including 6 closely related terms such as building energy, energy efficiency, and energy.
… with electricity from renewable sources where appropriate Ensure no new buildings use gas-fired systems Explore use of heat pumps (ground source or air source) to provide heating as the technology develops Continue to identify ways to improve building energy management systems to reduce waste Improve building insulation and conduct lighting surveys to reduce energy outputs Increase…
… carbon emissions, incorporate carbon sequestration measures, and adapt to climate change Introduce a standard within a Sustainability SPD to support more energy efficiency buildings to the equivalent of Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes Set out comprehensive planning guidance within a Sustainability SPD on reducing carbon emissions, adapting and mitigating climate change…
… the Council’s Green Infrastructure Strategy to identify where new green spaces and corridors should be provided as part of new development to support further carbon sequestration,biodiversity, and flood and surface water management Signpost residents to funding for retrofitting of insulation, heating and energy reduction features to improve the energy efficiency of existing homes Lobby…
… government to introduce more funding for retrofitting of insulation, heating and energy reduction features, for both privately-owned and social housing Work with the Herts Waste Partnership (HWP) to investigate how we could secure the use of anaerobic digestion to deal with food waste from 2024 Ensure recycling and waste collection arrangements promote reduction and reuse Encourage…
… by 2050 Develop communications to raise awareness of the benefits of retrofitting of insulation, heating and energy reduction features, and the long-term cost-saving potential NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 18 INSPIRING THE COMMUNITY NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 19 …