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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 4 closely related terms such as energy efficiency, energy, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…. Sustainable urban drainage (SUDS) can also cope with extreme rainfall – preventing flash floods. Green roofs work to reduce the heat lost by buildings and providing better insulation in winter months, decreasing a buildings energy use. As well as vegetation, the presence of open bodies of water, such as ponds, can assist with the cooling of surrounding areas and in reducing daytime temperatures. Water…

… to do so • Accessed £14 million for walking and cycling improvements across the borough • Provide all residents with a comprehensive recycling service for a wide range of materials, recycling 54% waste across the borough • Supported the Clean Switch campaign to assist residents to switch to a green tariff • Improving the energy efficiency of homes across the borough…

… commonly selected actions were: • Assistance in improving the energy efficiency of their homes • Actions to support and encourage walking and cycling • Planting trees on Council owned land and encouraging others to do the same Comment from the Youth Council included the following: • Climate change is having devastating impacts across the world right now and focusing on loosely…

… that contribute to climate change. Energy efficiency of newly constructed buildings has improved over the years but Tameside is still home to many old and inefficient buildings. Reducing heat loss through the buildings’ fabric combined with modernising and decarbonising heat-sources will cut related carbon emissions significantly. In order to eliminate carbon emissions from our buildings we should…

…: • Ensure the energy efficiency of buildings is maximised through insulation and other fabric-first interventions, better smart building controls and embrace new low-energy alternatives such as LED lighting; • Replace gas heating and cooking appliances with electric alternatives* • Maximise renewable energy generation opportunities and purchase any remaining electricity from renewable sources…


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