Including 4 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and energy.
…, to reduce energy use. The second aspect is to ensure that as far as is practicable, the energy used is zero carbon. This means, for example, investing in solar energy and other renewable energy sources. CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 10 10 The third aspect is to invest in external emissions reduction. For example, this could be by investing directly in solar energy…
… carbon savings. The economics of energy storage also need to be reassessed. Identifying sites for solar installation will require a new and accurate assessment of all Council owned property. Zero Carbon Crematorium The crematorium has recently been upgraded to higher energy efficiency, reducing the carbon footprint of the operation, but there are further opportunities to reduce emissions…
… costs. As well as costs from climate change adaptation, there are likely to be higher energy costs and social costs in the future. Therefore, consideration of costs must take into account the potentially high cost of “do nothing”. Overall, capacity will also need to be increased, internally in the Council, amongst community leaders, climate champions and the wider population. This may…
… with the carbon neutral target • Procuring 100% renewable electricity at all sites • Introducing a zero carbon sports and leisure experience • Upgrading the crematorium to zero carbon operation • Introducing a Net Positive council office as the headquarters of the Council • Developing the business case for renewable energy, like wind and solar power, on suitable sites • Installing solar powered…
… storage and charging infrastructure in Council owned car parks • Moving the base of fleet operations to a Net Positive depot • Rolling out a zero emission fleet • Planting one million trees The roadmap to eliminate the Borough carbon footprint includes action on leadership, engagement, energy, transport and buildings. The net result of this will be to reduce Borough emissions from…