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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 10 closely related terms such as energy use, energy consumption, and energy use.

1 result

Gedling Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… carbon usage. 13 The Built Environment  At our Civic Centre, we have installed energy efficient LED lighting and shower facilities to encourage active travel, in particular, cycling to work  To reduce energy consumption, we have installed pool covers and new energy efficient pumps at our leisure centres  An energy efficient window replacement programme is soon…

… applications. For all major development proposals (defined as 10 or more dwellings) we expect consideration to be given to the following: o Sustainable layout and design for e.g. improved connectivity within and off the site to encourage more sustainable travel; o Maximising site potential for e.g. solar orientation of buildings to encourage solar heating; o Minimising energy use such as through…

… the borough’s recycling rates 2.0 Scope This strategy is predominantly focused on efforts to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions derived from our own operations. However, meeting our carbon emissions reductions targets will require action from all stakeholders including the borough’s residents and businesses and therefore, it is imperative that we use our…

… carbon emissions through the incorporation and implementation of energy-efficient measures in both existing and new buildings. 19 The achievement of energy efficiency in residential homes can also help alleviate fuel poverty, as this lowers the amount of fuel that is required to heat a home and thus enables the most vulnerable households to boost…

… and fostering energy savings via education and awareness. Concerning new developments, the council will encourage developers to achieve sustainable construction and design via non-statutory planning guidance8 which will serve as a material consideration in determining major planning applications. This will not only contribute to the mitigation of climate change but will also enable adaptation to any…


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