Including 9 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and ongoing energy.
… would be taking action on over 80% of the Council’s currently measured emissions. The actions identified for reducing these sources of emissions reflect the energy hierarchy: energy saving is the priority action, then energy efficiency, generating renewable energy, using renewable or low carbon energy sources, and only using fossil fuels where it is unavoidable. Whilst not readily measured…
… to the Covid-19 public health emergency, for example, shifting to staff home working wherever possible and holding Council meetings remotely. This Plan includes actions that embed these changes wherever possible and where permitted by regulatory requirements. Whilst many of the projects require an up-front capital investment, many of them are expected to result in ongoing energy cost savings thereafter…
… to outcome of current waste and recycling review and align with the procurement of heavy fleet, due to begin in 2022. Beyond 2023 Waste and Street Scene Manager Within existing. 13 Reducing fossil fuel energy use in Council owned sheltered housing Ref. Project Name Description Completion Date Responsible Officer(s) Resources CRP10 Survey and report on whole building…
… be accelerated if 100% external funding can be sourced. Reducing the fossil fuel energy use from Mercury House Ref. Project Name Description Completion Date Responsible Officer(s) Resources CRP18 Whole site energy use, energy efficiency, low carbon heating and renewable energy optimisation study Consultancy study to survey, cost and make recommendations on energy use, renewable…
… or low carbon rather than fossil fuel energy plants. Dec-21 (subj. any existing contract restrictions) Facilities Management Officer/ Climate Change Officer Any additional costs to be offset by savings on electricity consumption costs achieved as a by- product of actions elsewhere in this Plan. CRP26 Council House Improvement Programme. Replace 54 back boilers with more…