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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 9 closely related terms such as energy consumption, energy demand, and energy demands.

1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

energy consumption by GWh sector for Tonbridge and Malling (BEIS, 2019). Along with energy efficiency measures in the private sector, a contributing factor to the dramatic decline in energy con- sumption was the closure of Aylesford Newsprint in 2015. Lo ca l d at a 4…

… D ig it al S e rv ic e P ri o ri ti e s En e rg y u sa ge a n d r e n ew ab le s Energy usage per household The average domestic consumption per household in Tonbridge and Malling was 4,172kWh in 2018. From 2015 to 2018 the average domestic consumption per household fell from 4469kWh to 4172kWh. Whilst domestic consumption has been falling on a per household basis…

… across all sectors. At Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council we will reduce emissions from energy consumption in all Council buildings, in house fleet transport and staff travel. We are committed to fully embed carbon management within all Council policies and procedures and ensure that climate change is a recognised commitment within the Corporate Strategy. We will raise carbon management…

… awareness to staff to re- duce energy consumption. We will also incorporate the highest appropriate ener- gy efficiency specifications into new buildings, equipment and contracts. We are stakeholders in the Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emission Strategy and Climate Change strategy and our action plan will sit alongside these. 5…

…, these include;  Developments which maximise opportunities to reduce energy demands through the orientation of habitable rooms to harness natural light and through landscaping to prevent over heating (draft policy LP14).  Developments which maximise opportunities where practicable for sustain- able travel, including contributions towards off site infrastructure as well as walking and cycling routes…


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