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Search results for "energy usage"

Including the closely related terms electricity consumption, and energy.

1 result

London Borough of Southwark

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… transportation and storage of fuels. Scaled to Southwark by population from national figures. 15% of emissions come from transport. This includes: o On-road transport (15%): Emissions from all forms of on-road passenger vehicle, including cars, vans, motorcycles, buses and taxis. o Diesel rail (<0.1%): Emissions from diesel-fuelled rail transport. Emissions from electricity consumption within…

… heating and transport as well as a successful programme of energy demand reduction measures. Even with such changes there are still residual emissions which would require offsetting. A full methodology is contained within Appendix A, including the assumptions the modelling utilises to highlight a path to carbon neutral across energy, housing and transport. 13 Council’s Own…

… of buildings, increasing use of renewable electricity and investment in more efficient boilers and insulation. We have invested in LED lighting in streetlights as well as achieving a 75% reduction in electricity consumption in our main Tooley Street offices. Analysis of Southwark Council’s operations and assets shows the council’s own carbon footprint of 432 ktCO2e. The major contributors…

… considered as follows: - Reduction in vehicle mileage - Switch to EV for all vehicles - Energy efficient lights and appliances - Retrofit of council buildings - Switching away from gas heating - Local renewables - Offsetting With targeted actions across energy supply and usage, retrofit of buildings and a shift in transport away from carbon intensive modes, the ‘ambitious’ pathway sees…

… be delivered by working as a single borough with partners and stakeholders. Others are more complex and will require working together regionally and nationally to ensure that funding and regulation come together to achieve meaningful results, for example retrofitting energy efficient solutions to existing homes. Southwark will develop a clear case to Westminster on the financial and political…


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