Including 6 closely related terms such as energy saving, energy efficiency, and energy savings.
… Development PLANNED ACTIONS (2020/21) PROJECT STAGE LEAD – in our own operations Energy Efficiency Program Development - Develop asset management plans for council owned schools to ensure a decarbonisation, adaptation and resilience plan is in place. Purpose: To ensure that schools repairs programmes are not simply reactive and that a long term low carbon and nature recovery plan is in place…
…. IMPLEMENT Existing building retrofit - Retrofit council owned buildings which account for two thirds of the council’s total carbon emissions. Based on the outcomes of the Year 1 analysis work. Out of the 117 schools the council runs there is an existing programme of work which includes LED and energy efficiency works. Year 2 devise and implement expanded retrofit and renewables programme on council…
… energy efficiency and renewable energy and nature recovery projects, cost and feasibility that can be implemented on the council building stock. New buildings - Continue to make high energy efficiency standards, such as PassivHaus, in all new council developed schools and where the council has an interest. Purpose: To upgrade the energy efficiency of projects that are already underway and make…
…: To support a replicable low carbon heating trial. IMPLEMENT Energy and Renewables Advice - Continue to support additional energy advice to residents and businesses to access government grants and national schemes. Purpose: To continue to support residents to retrofit their homes with energy efficiency measures by leveraging in government grants. IMPLEMENT INSPIRE – business and residents to take…
…. DEVELOP 5 Climate Emergency Theme: Transport (& Infrastructure / Highways) PLANNED ACTIONS (2020/21) PROJECT STAGE LEAD – in our own operations Council Fleet - Continue to decarbonise the Council’s own fleet – implement the recommendations of the Energy Savings Trust report on council fleet: Including staff commuter mileage, incentivising switch to electric vehicles…