Including 8 closely related terms such as electricity usage, energy demand, and energy demands.
… of the building to be leased out to a 3rd party. The tenants will be directly responsible for their energy consumption and therefore the emissions will no longer be within the Council’s scope. (north) ahead of lease in April 2021. Other opportunities are being explored for other sites in parallel but Covid-19 has affected interest. Energy usage is likely to have significantly declined during…
… the viability of switching the local Skanska fleet to an alternative sustainable fuel. 13. Investigate the opportunities to reduce emissions from the Regional Swimming Pool, currently the Council’s single highest carbon emitting site. 14. Continue to rationalise office floorspace thereby reducing energy demands, for example, excess floorspace at the Town Hall will be leased. 2…
… and utilities is electricity usage, accounting for 1,167 tonnes CO2e plus another 99 tonnes for transmission and distribution losses (scope 3). GHG Emissions (tonnes CO2e) Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Total General T & D8 WTT9 Buildings & utilities 2,242 3,503 69 300 791 6,904 Cultural services 1,488 666 - 57 287 2,498 Electricity for Street Lighting - 1,569 - 133 222 1,925 Electricity…
… per cent between 9.30pm and 5am and on traffic routes by 20 per cent between 9pm and midnight, and by 40 per cent between midnight and 5am. In order to calculate the reduction in carbon emissions arising, officers have undertaken an assessment to quantify the change in energy demand and have converted this to CO2e which results in an estimated reduction of 183.7 tCO2e, which accounts…
… to replace their aging equipment. In order to undertake this exercise independent advice and review was provided by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) utilising funding from the Department for Transport (DfT). A comprehensive assessment of various options has been looked at, and at this stage, to meet the needs of the service and reduce carbon Aragon propose a mixture of some electric vehicles, hybrid…