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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 11 closely related terms such as energy use, energy consumption, and energy use.

1 result

Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… cent reduction in the Council House electricity usage since lockdown and 33% in the Civic Centre highlighting the positive impact of changing the way we work. Enhanced opportunities for remote working will make a continued positive contribution to reduced energy consumption, staff travel and co2 pollution. Other proposed measures include a feasibility of building removal…

… measures. Internal Focus Corporate Landlord IFM MEDIUM i) Review energy usage of Active Living Centres, Crematoria, and Streetly and implement any cost effective improvements as a matter of priority. Internal Focus Corporate Landlord IFM / CCPM MEDIUM 2.3 Encourage and enable energy saving behaviour by all Council staff. a) Improve individual accountability. Energy savings achieved through…

… awareness. These include ‘officer champions’, briefing programmes, carbon reduction e- learning and sustainability appraisal of Cabinet reports. Theme 2: Energy 4.16 This programme of work will align climate action with the Council’s Estates Strategy, reducing energy use and improving building efficiency. The Council has been taking steps for some time to reduce energy consumption

… Programme Manager into the Clean and Green service structure as part the wider Proud Transformation Programme. The return on investment is substantial; it is estimated that energy saving initiatives will financially benefit the Council by £6million per annum by 2050. 2.5 Engagement with external partners and experts will form a critical component of the action plan. WMCA recently launched…

…). It is estimated that energy saving initiatives will financially benefit the Council by £6million annually by 2050. 4.11 Although the net zero carbon target year is 2050, it is assumed that the majority of interventions could be in place by 2035 as ageing building services and vehicles should be upgraded by this point through routine maintenance. Likewise, the Government plans a ban…


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