Including 5 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and energy efficiency.
… covering all related aspects of climate change. Within the themes the group identified a number of priorities that support the delivery of the overall strategy and action plan. The key themes of the strategy are: Resources Energy Use Planning and Development Transport Council Assets and Operations Natural Environment Adapting to Climate Change Energy Conservation Priorities: • Increase…
… local renewable energy generation • Increase the energy efficiency of homes and offices • Improve energy efficient infrastructure • Improved broadband in rural areas for homes and businesses By reducing energy use we can limit the level of carbon emissions in the environment. The burning of fossil fuels for energy releases carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases playing…
…. To support our district to conserve energy, a sustained engagement programme will be needed with households, landlords and businesses promoting practical ways to reduce energy used and find carbon neutral or reduced carbon alternatives for energy that is consumed. The green energy sector needs to be supported through engagement with renewable energy installers, energy efficient material suppliers…
… food Planning Priorities: • Zero carbon buildings • Reduce energy use in existing buildings by retrofitting energy efficiency measures • Reduce water consumption in buildings through rainwater harvesting and grey water recycling • Low energy and low waste construction practices • New development built with Sustainable Urban Drainage Schemes • Spatial planning…
… to discourage private car use • Nature based approach to design to incorporate green infrastructure requirements Making new and existing homes and buildings energy efficient will play a major role in reducing the district’s carbon emissions. The new communities we create or those we improve need to support sustainable living that reduces the need for travel, improves health and protects…