Including 6 closely related terms such as energy consumption, energy demand, and energy efficiency.
… their carbon footprint by reducing energy consumptions and promoting healthy lifestyles.” It is widely accepted that climate change is happening as a result of human activity, as is the fact that we need to do things differently, both to adapt to the impact and reduce the extent of change in the long term. The effects are being felt at a global level with higher land and sea temperatures, rising…
… of partners, commissioned services and national and international awareness days / weeks, to maximise reach and traction. This will include content and opportunities to engage around issues such as sustainable travel, recycling, household energy, making space for wildlife, and reducing energy consumption in the workplace. MEASURING PROGRESS We will measure and report progress and impact through…
… and procurement process). Changes in this category are generally the least financially intensive and can be initiated quickly. It is also important to drive actions in this area as an enabler and stimulus of further action in the wider borough. • Energy Demand Reduction - Focused on council operations and assets (e.g. council buildings, fleet), but unlike the above, relates to more tangible, capital…
… investment related actions that the council can take to use less energy and fuel, and improve efficiency. • Increase Low Carbon Energy Supply - Alongside a reduction in energy demand, it is necessary to improve the supply of energy by using renewable sources. This includes both a council and borough-wide focus for action, as measures will commonly deliver benefits at scale that can provide…
… are affordable and deliver the desired benefits. 4.3 Building Control Since 1965 the Building Regulations have been the means by which we regulate for minimum energy efficiency standards in new build and extended homes. Essentially the Building Regulations set standards for how new buildings must be constructed and existing buildings altered to achieve a minimum level of acceptable performance…