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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 6 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and energy demand.

1 result

Shropshire Council - Unitary

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… detached. Staff pensions are directly linked to the council by virtue of its employees. Staff Housing and Social Housing (Scope 3) 2.11 Includes staff home energy use – which is likely to become especially important from 2020 due to increased working from home directive during the Covid 19 Pandemic. Resource Management (Scope 3) 2.12 Includes: • Waste and Recycling Services: e.g…

… by putting in place physical and operational adaptation measures to mitigate risks to our assets and services from extreme climate events. c. 81% of Shropshire Council’s direct (scope 1 & 2) GHG emissions in 2017 were generated from energy use in its buildings and a further 13% was generated by street lighting, so these will be priorities for early intervention. Support Clean and Inclusive…

… a return on investment. c. Shropshire Council is under severe financial pressure and the Climate Action Plan will therefore prioritise interventions which generate a positive and direct return on investment. Within these investments we will try to prioritise investments that benefit those members of public of greatest need first, for example energy efficiency measures for residents on low…

…. Shropshire’s Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan will highlight evidence gaps and prioritise areas of research required. It will also spell out the monitoring requirements that need to be established to fully measure our progress towards zero carbon. 4 Corporate Carbon Management Strategy Power Down: Theme 2030 Objective Planned Measures Buildings Energy Reduce 2019 annual emissions…

… by 50% to 2,360 tonnes CO2e • Rationalise the number of buildings to only those essential for the sustainable delivery of Council Services (Corporate Asset Management Strategy); • Reduce energy demand from our buildings through a comprehensive programme of fabric and technology upgrades; • Enhance performance monitoring and control systems, together with staff and user training…


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