Including the closely related terms energy efficiency, energy, and energy efficiency.
…, that the timescale is extended by 3 months, with an Action Plan presented to Council in June 2021. 1.5 It should be emphasized that re-scheduling Council’s consideration of the Climate Action Plan does not inhibit Council’s ability to progress existing Climate Action. For example, the Energy Efficiency Programme continues to deliver carbon and cost savings through a programme of energy efficiency…
… and renewable energy retrofit. It does mean that the strategic overview of activity will be delayed in being brought before Council, but it is considered that the benefits in taking limited additional time to strengthen the Climate Action Plan meaningfully outweigh any deficits caused by the delay in presentation of the Plan. Scottish Borders Council – 17 December 2020 2 RECOMMENDATION 2.1…
… and South East Scotland City Regional and Borderlands Growth Deals, and relationships with the South of Scotland Enterprise Energy Transition Group. 4.2 The key stages of Climate Change Action Plan production have been identified in the Timeline and are structured around 3 phases – Analysis, Planning and Implementation. As can be seen from the Timeline, significant progress has been made…
… been essential to allow detailed specification of activity required in the Planning Phase. It became evident during the Analysis that a number of circumstances which had been in place at the time of writing of the 25th September report ‘Responding to the Climate Emergency’, had changed. An example of this was the extension to the timescale for the development of a Borderlands Energy Masterplan…