Including 7 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and energy performance.
… to grid. Solar PV 9119 0 PV panels on non domestic properties, energy used by OIC, no export meter fitted. Wind 35975 0 This is the metered RHI energy. 3d Targets List all of the body's targets of relevance to its climate change duties. Where applicable, overall carbon targets and any separate land use, energy efficiency, waste, water, information and communication technology, transport, travel…
… level, the Council is responsible for community planning, along with its partner organisations. Both the Council’s Corporate Asset Management Plan 2019-2023 and its Fleet and Plant Asset Management Plan 2013-2018 highlight energy performance as one of the key drivers which, when correctly interpreted, offer the ‘building blocks’ for sound decision making. The Corporate Asset Management Plan…
… under the Property category. The Fleet and Plant Asset Management Plan reports on asset management performance, providing energy performance and environmental impact data for the Council’s fleet vehicles and plant equipment. It also notes that, although work is already underway to reduce carbon emissions, further consideration must be given to this issue, given that the strategic approach…
… as part of the budget setting process. Any scale of project or energy efficiency innovation bid will be presented to Elected Members (Policy and Resources Committee) through other channels on a case by case basis. The Programme will be reported to Members annually. The Carbon Management Group reports all actions to the Head of Infrastructure and Strategic Projects, who in turn reports to the Council’s…
… Corporate Management Team. This link ensures progress is maintained by quickly identifying any risks to the programme to Officers who are able to make the necessary provisions to get the programme back on track. The Energy Manager is responsible for evolving and implementing the Carbon Management Plan and for achieving its targets. The Carbon Management team comprises: Head of Finance, Head…