Including the closely related terms energy efficiency, energy, and energy efficiency.
… the Home Energy Efficiency Programme: Area Based Scheme to reduce heat loss and subsequent heating requirements. • Installing our first low carbon heat networks fuelled by biomass boilers during the redevelopment of two sheltered housing units in Dalry and Stevenston. • Installing solar PV panels on roofs of 290 Council houses, saving tenants on average £188 per year. • Investing nearly £1m…
… in energy efficiency measures such as boiler replacement, LED lighting and enhanced controls to 14 non-domestic properties through the Non- Domestic Energy Efficiency framework. • The Council’s operational vehicle fleet now incorporates 10 electric vehicles and a number of low emission vehicles • Our sustainable business travel arrangements and employee car pool scheme have contributed…
… • Refreshing the business case for solar and wind projects • Securing funding to undertake a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (producing a high-level plan to decarbonise the heat network and remove energy efficiency as a driver for fuel poverty across North Ayrshire) • Progressing work place charging point installations to increase the volume of electric vehicles in the Council’s fleet…
… the community, as with the recently awarded Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) funding to develop a 20 year energy efficiency and heat network decarbonisation strategy; the Home Energy Efficiency Programme: Area Based Scheme (HEEPS:ABS) funding to install external wall insulation to privately owned/rented homes; and Charge Place Scotland funding to install electric vehicle charge points…
… waste across North Ayrshire through a number of initiatives including energy conservation and increased use of renewable energy sources. A coordinated approach across all services has been key to the successful implementation of emission reduction projects. The focus on clean energy is a key element of the draft Ayrshire Regional Economic Strategy which aims to position Ayrshire at a nationally…