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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 6 closely related terms such as energy consumption, energy efficiency, and energy.

1 result

Mole Valley District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… lottery that supports local charities and raises money to support delivery of climate change initiatives. Report produced Target: £15,000 income generated for climate change initiatives Low Enabling O Report produced November 2020 Implementation June 2021 11 | P a g e Priority 2: Reducing energy consumption and emissions by promoting energy efficiency measures…

… that all Clarion homes within MVDC comply with enhanced energy efficiency standards by 2040. Discuss similar with other housing associations. Annual target to be agreed with Clarion and other housing associations. Existing Low D March 2022 and beyond Promote new government ‘Green Homes Grant’ scheme aimed at reducing the energy costs of homes. Social media campaigns delivered…

… measures to reduce carbon footprint. Tonnes of CO2e saved per annum 250 tonnes CO2 Priority 2: Reducing energy consumption and emissions by promoting energy efficiency measures, sustainable construction, renewable energy sources and behaviour change Work with local businesses to introduce a “Car Free day” initiative across the District. Number of businesses and schools signed up 20…

… of 2008 in June 2019. The emerging climate related policy of the new government includes: • Investing in electric vehicle charging stations • Phasing out the sale of new conventional petrol and diesel cars • Investing in energy efficiency • Setting strict new laws on air quality Man-made climate change is a global challenge that requires a global response. Figure 1: UK…

… will fulfil a leading role in working with other Surrey authorities to shape the county wide approach to the Climate Emergency. The Strategy sets out specific areas of action to meet the following aims: 3 Energy efficiency: ensuring that our own estate is as energy efficient as possible and supporting the community to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, in turn reducing…


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