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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 6 closely related terms such as energy activities, energy efficiency, and energy activities.

1 result

Manchester City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and tenants to improve energy performance and climate resilience of existing buildings. GMCA UK Green Building Council Energy E1 Ensure Manchester participates fully in the programme of energy activities in the Greater Manchester Climate Change Strategy Implementation Plan. MCCA MCC, GMCA E2 Deliver the Civic Quarter Heat Network and develop the next phases of city centre heat network deployment…

…-led solutions and the voluntary and community sector • Digital technologies and data • Working with Greater Manchester Combined Authority, UK Government and devolution ENABLING ACTIONS • BuildingsEnergy • Transport • Resources and waste • Food • Green spaces and waterways THEMATIC ACTIONS • Residents and communities • Businesses • Schools and colleges • Universities…

… with the city’s climate change objectives, and build capacity to enable them to help deliver the policies. UK Green Building Council MCC, MCCA B2 Investigate options and feasibility for developing new and expanding existing Council initiatives to incentivise and enable domestic retrofit e.g. energy efficiency linked Council tax bandings, expansion of the HELP loan for energy efficiency improvements…

… and secure funding opportunities to invest in energy efficiency programmes, particularly focusing on fuel poverty challenges for the city’s residents. Including securing/influencing ECO funding to enable maximum benefit to Greater Manchester. GMCA MCC, UK Government, Carbon Co-op, energy companies B5 Encourage non-domestic retrofit and promote initiatives that support owners, landlords…

… sector partners Enabling and incentivising institutional investment EA8 Establish incentives (policy and funding) to support investment by public and private organisations to deliver exemplar low carbon, climate resilient improvements to their estates. GMCA MCC Supporting our businesses EA9 Establish a business support programme(s) to assist businesses to improve their energy


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