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Including the closely related terms energy efficiency, energy, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… TO PAGE 15 BUSINESS, AND INDUSTRY AND RURAL ECONOMY  Gateshead Council will work with local businesses to help them improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint.   Different businesses are likely to need different levels of support. Some are already innovating to reduce their carbon footprint, which in turn can make their operations more efficient and profitable. Other…

… Short Short Short Contributes to (themes) Energy and heat, Transport, Nature and the Environment Transport Transport Transport Transport Transport Community, Business, Industry and Rural Economy Nature and the Environment Energy and heat, Transport Energy and heat, Housing Energy and heat, Transport Energy and heat APPENDIX   Action Where feasible, share evidence and coordinate…

… to (themes) Community Nature and the Environment Energy and heat, Transport Waste Transport, Nature and the Environment Nature and the Environment, Transport, Community Energy and heat, Nature and the environment, Transport, Business, Industry and Rural Economy Community Waste Energy and heat, Housing Energy and heat, Transport, Housing, Business, Industry and Rural Economy APPENDIX…

… to 2˚C, and 55% lower to limit the increase to 1.5˚C.   GATESHEAD’S RESPONSE  To play our part in responding to the global challenge of climate change, Gateshead Council declared a Climate Emergency at its Council meeting on 23 May 2019. In doing so, the council committed to:  • Make the Council’s activities carbon neutral by 2030    • Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full…

… bills. That can help and improve the health and wellbeing of residents and reduce fuel poverty.   We intend to: * • Promote low-carbon housing development across Gateshead  • Improve insulation to Council-owned properties, and install low-carbon heat and energy where feasible  • Continue to explore the use of hydrogen as a viable source of energy for homes, transport and commercial use…


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