Including 7 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and energy demand.
… and / or digital networks across the organisation for them to share and take forward their climate solutions. 7 5. Support to encourage others to follow our lead from every employee outwards to deliver change across the organisation and influence it across the City. 6. Explore dis/incentives, fiscal and / otherwise, to support behaviour change outcomes sought. Group 3: Buildings Energy use from…
… electricity, heating and cooling presents various challenges. Our district heating network links to some of our residential and public buildings. There is an ongoing programme of energy efficiency measures. Green roofs are in place on several of our buildings, helping to reduce run off, energy demand and providing important space for wildlife. Areas for consideration under this theme include: 1…
…. Explore opportunities to build a clearer, ongoing understanding of the energy demands of our buildings. 2. Review the Council’s Building Performance Policy for Council owned buildings, including the certification standards demanded. 3. Explore and develop energy efficiency opportunities for our buildings. 4. Explore opportunities to install appropriate renewable technologies in existing…
…-align budgets. Our 2020/21 budget supports the development of net zero and climate adaptation priorities with initiatives including fleet replacement, active travel, electric vehicle 5 charging, energy efficiency, heating replacement, property refurbishment and improvements, district heating and hydrogen projects. Additional priorities for action will be identified under the Plan, along…
… our buildings is our most significant source of emissions by far. Increases in our estate will potentially further impact our emissions. That combined with fluctuating energy costs and legislative drivers make this a priority for action. The age, range and in/efficiency of our estate means we need to make significant decisions that will affect our new and existing buildings. Decarbonising…