Including the closely related term energy.
… development and to introduce incentives to make our homes as energy efficient and clean as possible.’ When put to the vote, this additional recommendation was declared CARRIED; (e) With regard to the outcomes…
… and to introduce incentives to make our homes as energy efficient and clean as possible.” Supporting documents: FINAL_Climate Change Report, item CM 51 PDF 99 KB Appendix 1.1 - Draft CCB Action Plan - Behaviour Change, item CM 51…
… PDF 416 KB Appendix 1.2 - Draft CCB Action Plan - Energy Supply, item CM 51 PDF 408 KB Appendix 1.3 - Draft CCB Action Plan - Walking, Cycling, PT, item CM 51 PDF 409 KB Appendix 1.4 - Draft CCB Action Plan - Strategic Transport Planning, item CM 51…