Including 8 closely related terms such as energy use, energy consumption, and energy use.
… heating through building efficiency improvements and switching to green energy Facilitate and incentivise energy efficiency measures to households in fuel poverty Extend energy advice campaigns to reduce household energy consumption and energy costs Provide a Climate Action Fund designed to incentivise and ‘pump prime’ initiatives, and develop feasibility studies, pilot schemes…
… installations as part of an improved energy monitoring strategy Source 100 per cent of all electricity purchased by the Council via a ‘green tariff’ Expand the energy awareness campaign amongst council staff and contractors to reduce energy use Consider voltage optimization technology to reduce energy consumption Reduce energy losses by retro-fit technologies and use of more energy…
… ~ 31.1.2020 9 All new council housing to be built to the highest energy standards (EPC ‘A’ or ‘B’) Consider the installation of solar PV on council owned homes following a roof and energy usage survey Complete a Fuel Poverty Action Plan; identify the measures that might alleviate fuel poverty by 2030 Manage Energy Use – Households In the coming decade, Warwick District will have…
… to the risks of Climate Change Manage Energy Use – Commercial and Institutional Action will be needed to become more energy efficient and significantly expand local low carbon sources of energy with the capacity to store energy and encourage new energy generating technologies. Actions could be to: Item 6 / Page 45 WDC Climate Emergency Action Programme ~ MAIN REPORT ~ 31.1.2020 10…
… Encourage commercial and institutional organisations to develop their own carbon reduction action plans and share their work with other high energy users. Encourage a collective approach to reducing energy use and generating renewable energy Develop a district-wide Net Zero Campaign based on energy efficiency Explore the feasibility of suitable alternatives to natural gas heating…