Including 5 closely related terms such as energy use, energy use, and energy efficiency.
… Builds Green energy Greater Consideration for Green Spaces Energy Efficent Housing Reduced Energy Usage 7…
… begins to set out how we plan to achieve this and the actions we can all take which will have the most far reaching impacts. The steps we must take in order to ensure a climate safe future will also have significant positive impacts on health and wellbeing within the community, as we look to champion warm, energy efficient housing and the protection of green space. Climate Change by its nature…
… ' Businesses •Lobby governement to support our businesses and a Green Recovery •Using our network s shared knowledge to support SME to adapt to climate change opportuntitites •Share knowledge and improved ways or working across our business community to redcued carbon. Homes •Energy efficient housing (including retrofitting of current council housing stock and subsidies…
…; RRReeegggeeennneeerrraaatttiiiooonnn WWWaaasssttteee &&& RRReeecccyyycccllliiinnnggg Businesses & Homes Industrial and residential users make up nearly two-thirds of carbon emissions, investment in de-carbonising industrial processes, and home heating / energy use are key areas to support and educated our businesses and residential to make the changes. Government financial support will be required too…
… PPPlllaaannn3.2 SBC’s Carbon Management Plan The Council has two main office sites, Daneshill House and Cavendish Road. Most office-based staff are based at the larger Daneshill House which is evident in the data. Emission levels have been increasing since 2016/2017 and reconsidering SBC energy efficiency is a priority as well as looking at methods to decarbonise the building’s heating system. Although…