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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 9 closely related terms such as electricity consumption, total electricity consumption, and energy demand.

1 result

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

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… of the local authority area's total electricity consumption; and The Pen y Cymoedd development is currently the largest wind farm in England and Wales, generating 228MW from a total of 76 turbines. 4 . Strategy Development N eath P ortTalbotC ouncil:D ecarbonisation and R enew able E nergy S trategy (M ay 2020) 18 Figure 4.1 Renewable Energy Generation by LA Area (2017) The following…

energy generation in meeting the energy demand in Wales and sets out a vision for the country up to 2050. 2.2.2 The Strategy which includes the targets of achieving 3% emission reduction per year and at least 40% emissions reduction by 2020 compared to 1990, intends to ensure that: Climate change is considered in all decision-making; Increased energy efficiency is delivered through making low carbon…

… Wales Project’, 'Regen' has conducted an analysis of the future energy demands and potential sources of energy generation to create a low carbon energy system vision for the Swansea Bay City Region (SBCR) in the time period to 2035. 2.3.2 The project has developed an overall vision and defined a set of objectives including: Step change in energy efficiency; Renewable energy generation…

… the report include: Renewable energy capacity growth across Wales was greatest in Neath Port Talbot in 2017; Neath Port Talbot has the highest total installed renewable energy capacity with 358MW and the greatest renewable energy generation with an estimated 1,122GWh; 77% of Neath Port Talbot's electricity consumption is met by renewables; A significant portion of the renewable energy growth in 2017…

… that 'energy efficient, environmental and sustainable design' is a key consideration in all new build and refurbishment projects. The Council's Energy Team has adopted the core structure and elements of the approved ISO 50,001 Energy Management System (recognised industry standard system) to assess and achieve effective levels of energy management. The four main energy / carbon management delivery…


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