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Search results for "energy usage"

Including the closely related term energy.

1 result

Warwick District Council

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… of individual reflection to allow participants time to note down any key points they may wanted to remember. After session 5, the process closed for the Christmas period, to resume in January. Session 6: Themed session on housing. Commentators: Ian Pritchett: Managing Director of Greencore Construction, member of Good Homes Alliance; Sandra Hayes: Director of Development, National Energy

… Foundation; Rachel Jones: Chief Executive, Act on Energy; Philip Clarke Head of Development Services; Hayley Smith Senior Planner: Warwick District Council Planning Service; Sally Kelsall: Housing Strategy and Development Manager, Warwick District Council Video footage available here Participants heard from commentators for 40 mins, then worked in small groups to reflect and agree follow up…

… to take action. We are just a small group of people but through our coming together we have become a group bursting with ideas and enthusiasm. We believe that to respond to our emergency the District Council and other organisations must harness the energy and enthusiasm of our people and our communities. We must all make a change for climate change. Your district needs you. We believe…


This is a new service – your feedback will help us improve it.