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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 10 closely related terms such as energy use, energy consumption, and energy use.

1 result

Folkestone and Hythe District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to source electricity purchased by the Council via a ‘green tariff’. 12. Expand the energy awareness campaign amongst council staff, members and contractors to reduce energy use. 13. Consider the potential and implications for voltage optimization technology to reduce energy consumption. 14. Reduce energy losses by retro-fit technologies and use of more energy efficient building fabric…

… estate and to support / encourage the transition across the district will require careful and deliberate targeting of funds. These will be from a combination of Council budgets, from energy savings and from external grants. Individual homeowners, landlords and businesses will also have a major part to play, as will the district’s residents in the choices they make in travelling, using energy

… Action Plan has been produced to reduce the Council’s own operating carbon footprint to net zero by 2030 with costs measures and actions, energy saving and carbon reduction outcomes based on currently available data and assessments. It takes as its baseline a study by Laser outlined later in this document that uses data from 2018/19 as an initial starting point. Achievements so far…

… to industrial and agricultural processes to eliminate carbon production. Reducing carbon emissions can include actions such as energy efficiency measures that reduce the demand for heating. Carbon offsetting is a climate action that enables individuals and organisations to compensate for the emissions they cannot avoid, by supporting projects that reduce emissions somewhere else…

… carbon emissions.” 3.4 Within this ambition we pledge to grow the circular economy of the district and seek to reduce waste as well as increase our resilience to climate change through improved energy & resource efficiency, supporting higher sustainability standards in new developments and taking advantage where possible of initiatives to retrofit energy efficiency measures in existing…


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