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Including 9 closely related terms such as electricity consumption, energy use, and energy use.

1 result

Inverclyde Council

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… of 4,221 tonnes of carbon. • Reduced the total amount of waste sent to landfill by 18,574 tonnes. • Reduced carbon emissions from energy use in buildings by 25.4%, the equivalent of 3,499 tonnes of carbon. • Reduced electricity consumption from street lighting by 17%, over 900,000 kWh of electricity. 1.3 Implementation of previous Carbon Management Plans In attempting to achieve the carbon reduction…

… by the end of the Plan period. The Council then devised a new Carbon Management Plan with a carbon reduction target of 12% by end 2016/17 using a baseline of 2011/12. The plan sought to reduce carbon emissions from the following sources: • Energy use in buildingsEnergy use for street lighting • Fuel use for fleet transport • Business travel miles • Water use in buildings • Municipal waste…

…. Sustainable development is a key theme running throughout the Local Development Plan with the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change seen as a core responsibility of the Council with respect to its duties as a planning authority. It incorporates the nature of land use, energy efficiency of buildings and the adoption of renewable/low carbon energy, sustainable transport and identifies criteria…

… Change Plan. 3.3 Buildings Buildings are one of the largest sources of carbon emissions for the Council. The Council continuously reviews its building portfolio to determine opportunities for rationalising and improvement. This is with a view to ensure operations are carried out from only the required number of energy efficient buildings. Energy and water consumption in buildings is monitored via…

… automatic meter reading equipment and Building Energy Management System software. 3.4 Street lighting The Council is currently implementing a programme to replace existing street lamps with Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps. LED lamps use much less electricity and provide a better quality of light output. The Council further considers possibilities for reducing operation time and dimming lamps. 3.5…


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