Including 9 closely related terms such as energy use, energy consumption, and energy use.
… to educate and engage businesses with low carbon sources of heating Ensure the Council’s own estate’s energy efficiency is maximised through improved energy management Ensure low cost technologies such as LED lighting are rolled out across the council estate, including parks and open spaces, as well as included in new developments, to reduce energy use Support private landlords to improve eco…
… buildings with low carbon and/or renewable heating and change behaviours towards energy consumption Encourage energy efficiency standards and improvements and reduce fuel poverty Implement compliance in existing core strategy policies for all new development proposals, unless it can be demonstrated that compliance with the policy is not viable or feasible Actions Provide information and materials…
… reduce carbon emissions and energy demand from the built environment reduce the harmful impacts of waste and water consumption support our communities to take action support our future generations to find solutions making sure we consider climate change in everything we do support biodiversity and the natural environment to help local carbon off setting opportunities The plan identifies actions…
… cycling routes for safer cycling and walking Enhance Pendle’s electric charging point infrastructure, subject to funding Promote the canal tow path as a safe cycling and walking route Ensure all development plans commit to carbon offsetting measures to reduce the overall impact to zero Reduce carbon emissions and energy demand from the built environment Strategic objectives Heat our…
…-standards and reduce domestic emissions Develop and implement a Pendle Home Energy programme via Cozy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) Review the effectiveness of existing Policy ENV3 Renewable and Low Carbon Generation and Policy ENV20 in the Part 2 Local Plan (LP) to support the delivery of renewable technologies on new developments (Policy ENV20 in the Part 2 Local Plan (LP2) will supplement and update…