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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 6 closely related terms such as ongoing energy, energy efficiency, and ongoing energy efficiency.

1 result

Harlow Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… year through the normal annual budget processes. Author: Simon Freeman, Head of Finance and Deputy to the Chief Executive Housing As outlined in the report. The Plan will support ongoing energy efficiency initiatives that contribute to client change and is resourced and is being delivered as part of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan. Author: Andrew Murray, Head of Housing…

… of single use plastics across all public council buildings by January 2020  Installing photovoltaic panels on all public council buildings within the next two years where possible  Identify other energy efficiency measures to reduce carbon emissions i.e LED Lighting, on site energy generation  Encourage staff to cycle to work and further promote the cycle to work scheme…

…  Encourage the adoption of water efficiency measures across all Council operational/public buildings  Procure 100% renewable energy as part of energy supply contracts for electricity  Offset carbon emissions from gas consumption  Encouraging HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd to switch over to electric power vehicles, plant and machinery  Switch over Harlow Council fleet…


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