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Search results for "energy usage"

Including 7 closely related terms such as energy demand, building energy, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Adur District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… buildings, AECOM carried out building energy audits on a range of properties owned and operated by Adur & Worthing Councils. The table below summarises the results of these audits, listing the potential intervention areas that could be considered, along with an estimate of the carbon savings that could be achieved. These estimates account for the energy efficiency improvement measures in addition…

… published by BEIS for use in organisational CO2e emissions reporting and projections, which is illustrated in Figure 3.14 Although not a prediction, the trajectory reflects the ambitions set by the Government and seen as necessary to meet the UK’s carbon emission reduction commitments. Figure 3: Historic and Long-run marginal grid decarbonisation  Energy demand reduction through energy efficiency

… measures and behaviour change – Based on statistics provided in the UK National Energy Efficiency Database (NEED)15 we have assumed that fabric upgrades could reduce demand for heating by around 10%, and that electricity use could decrease by around 5% through a combination of behavioural change measures and smart energy management.  Switching from the use of gas-fired heating to electric systems…

… the Councils’ emissions. This includes interventions that would be led by the Councils (e.g. switching to 100% electric vehicles), but also accounts for broader changes expected to take place on a primarily national level (e.g. decarbonisation of the national electricity grid). Other factors considered include energy demand reduction in existing buildings, switching from the use of gas-fired heating…

… switching towards the use of electric heating systems and electric vehicles – provided that the national electricity grid undergoes significant decarbonisation. Demand reduction measures (energy efficiency and behavioural change in buildings, and reduced use of transportation) have less impact when considered on their own but are crucial prerequisites for successfully switching switch towards…


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