Including 6 closely related terms such as energy use, energy generation, and energy generation.
… building and identify potential opportunities for energy generation etc. The development of a comprehensive report that ensures CBC understands the opportunities and potential costs to decarbonise our buildings portfolio. This action will support the development of the climate ready buildings delivery strand in future years including a commitment to using capital receipts from building sales…
… and expertise to lead on future building decarbonisation work. Alongside BE.01 enables the detailed development and delivery of the asset decarbonisation elements of the Asset Management Plan in future years. Strengthens CBC ability to access external funding for decarbonisation activity and energy generation opportunities Part of Property and Technical Services reshape Commercial buildings…
… programme to test and demonstrate low carbon heating, and other energy saving technologies in typical CBC housing stock (provisionally planned for 2024/25). Within existing resource Domestic buildings BE.11 Commercial buildings Domestic buildings Council housing stock decarbonisation (2030 & 2050) Partnership working Continuing to engage with / maximise benefits from…
… for renewable energy generation are explored. Maximises opportunities for lower carbon travel, changing behaviours and climate adaptation through car park amenities. Within existing resource Commercial buildings T.09 Decarbonised transport (2050) Charge points strategy Engage with a wider piece of work being undertaken by the county council, to assess the need and capacity for electric…
… to identify a site to conduct natural burials. Once a site has been identified, Bereavement Services to develop a costed plan for adoption, to include an estimate of carbon saved. Reduces energy use in burials and reliance on the crematorium. Potentially supports habitat improvement and carbon storage on the selected site - allowing the natural world to adapt better to climate change Within existing…