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Search results for "energy management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as energy use, energy saving, and energy saving.

1 result

Braintree District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… £ TBC P Reduce energy use in ex ist ing households by retrof i t t ing energy ef f ic iency measures Continue to signpost owners of traditional or listed buildings to advice and assistance on energy saving measures and improved sustainability that will avoid causing harm to the building and surroundings • Reduced CO2 emissions from homes • Reduced cost of energy for residents Ongoing £ TBC S…

… from non-renewable sources Short Term TBC TBC D Act ion Outcome Timescale Funding Carbon Impact Role Reduce energy use and improve energy ef f ic ient infrastructure Switch the Councils energy use to non-fossil fuel green energy tariffs • Reduction in CO2 emissions Short Term £ High D Explore opportunities to purchase batteries to store electricity/ energy to supply back to our…

… of energy consumption Short Term ££ Medium D/P Increase energy efficiency and renewable technologies across Council equipment, assets and estates • Reduction in CO2 emissions • Reduction in energy used • Reduction in energy costs Long Term ££ Medium/ High D Increase the proport ion of energy der ived f rom renewable sources Continue to research and evaluate ultra-low emission alternatives…

… Short Term TBC TBC S 1 2 C L I M A T E C H A N G E A C T I O N P L A N Act ion Outcome Timescale Funding Carbon Impact Role Encourage businesses to reduce energy use Continue to encourage businesses to switch to ECO heating and reduce energy use • Increase in the number of referrals to support and take up of funding. • Reduction in energy use Ongoing £ TBC S Continue to promote…


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