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Search results for "energy management"

Including 7 closely related terms such as energy projects, energy plan, and energy project.

1 result

North Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… carbon reduction measures, offsetting does not offer a financial ‘return on investment’ so it should be considered as a last priority. The council recognises that carbon offsetting / insetting works on two aspects: - • Reduction schemes which cut emissions by reducing the demand on grid derived services such as renewable energy projects like solar PV, air source or ground source heat pumps…

… streetlights. As well as generating energy savings of 1,000 tonnes each year, the 20,000 new LED streetlights will also save the council around £1m in electricity costs. 14 3. What our residents think Since 2012, North Tyneside Council has undertaken an annual residents’ survey to assess residents’ perceptions of, and satisfaction with, their local area, council services…

… out the government’s plans to meet the statutory fuel poverty target of ensuring as many fuel poor homes as reasonably practicable achieve a minimum efficiency rating of Band C by 2030. The strategy includes grant schemes to improve energy efficiency and funding to retrofit social housing. Obligations on energy companies to install energy efficiency measures and provide rebates on bills for low…

…, energy, sustainability and carbon understanding needs to be embedded in the whole authority, across staff and systems. Increasingly specialist skills will be needed around energy systems. Climate change should be central to Elected Member and Senior Director training. • Develop capacity to innovate and scale up. Climate change action plans help identify future delivery projects for when funding…

…. Local area energy plans should be conducted at a scale larger than small district councils and with awareness of the wider energy assets in the region. 22 • Develop Green Finance know-how. Private sector investment and Green Finance will be required to deliver the scale of the change needed. Local authority legal and finance teams, and project delivery teams will need to develop…


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