Including 6 closely related terms such as utilise energy, energy provision, and energy generation.
… heating and insulation measures. 5.31 The Council is a partner in the Cosy Homes in Lancashire (CHiL) consortium where local authorities utilise energy company funding to promote insulation and efficient heating systems in properties throughout Lancashire. Over the past year the partnership has been successful in securing £3.5 million pounds to improve the energy efficiency of Burnley’s homes…
… opportunities for communal schemes. Burnley Council’s role 5.49 The Council is responsible for determining planning applications for most renewable energy schemes and the Local Plan supports renewal energy generation and seeks renewable and low carbon energy provision through new development. 5.50 The Council has a role regarding its own buildings to ensure they are energy efficient and where…
…. Growth will be managed so that its takes place in the most appropriate locations, promotes the re-use of previously developed land and buildings, energy efficiency and sustainable design; and encourages the use of decentralised and renewable or low carbon energy sources” (pg.29). 3.17 The Local Plan addresses climate change through a number of policies including those that seek to reduce…
… emissions by supporting renewable energy provision and reducing pollution. These policies are considered and applied to all relevant developments across the borough and are central to the determination of applications for planning permission. 3.18 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) can be prepared to support the Local Plan. Two of the council’s adopted and proposed SPD ‘s are particularly…
… relevant to climate change: • Air Quality Management: Protecting Health and Addressing Climate Change SPD (Adopted). • Design Guide: Addressing Quality and Climate Change SPD. This will provide guidance for on-site renewable energy provision. 3.19 Planning decisions by law have to be made in accordance with the local plan unless ‘material considerations’ indicate otherwise. These material…