Including 7 closely related terms such as uses energy, energy strategy, and energy action.
… Executive Summary In its Sustainable Energy Strategy for Orkney, published in 2009, the community set three linked overarching aims relevant to its energy. • To ensure Orkney uses energy as efficiently as possible, and has a secure and affordable energy supply to meet its future needs. • To add value to Orkney’s renewable energy resources, for the benefit of the local economy and local communities…
… sustainable energy solutions. What is described recognises the complexity of today’s energy sector and its markets, with its existing supply and demand challenges. These will increasingly require innovative ‘systems solutions’ and Orkney is ideally positioned to lead such an approach. The sustainability of Orkney’s energy strategy is also key as we must balance economic, environmental and social…
…. An Orkney Sustainable Energy Action Plan will set out the initial actions and responsibilities. Introduction Energy in Orkney is a continuing success story. It's one of the country’s most dynamic and exciting sectors with the potential to make a significant contribution to, not only, Orkney's future economic prosperity but Scotland’s too. Importantly through innovation and collaboration…
…. Why Orkney needs an Energy Strategy This revisit of the Sustainable Energy Strategy for Orkney: 2009 provides an opportunity for the Orkney community to be pro-actively involved in, and help shape the development of local energy resources and their use rather than simply react to external events. A significant external factor has been the delay in major grid reinforcement to Orkney…
… appropriate advice and will enable the following: • Opportunities for ‘Big Data’ and research. • Development of modelling tools for prediction, monitoring and assessment. • Addressing Fuel Poverty. • Improving energy efficiency. • Managing resources more efficiently (to achieve reduced carbon emissions). • Promoting and encouraging the trialling and uptake of new technologies. • Developing low…