Including 4 closely related terms such as manage, management, and energy use.
… by April 2020 MSDC Corporate Estates & Facilities Contribution to reduction of heating by 3% per annum Subject to Business Case Maintain Automatic Meter Readers and online energy management system as part of effective energy monitoring and targeting by April 2018. MSDC Sustainability Officer/ Corporate Estates & Facilities Effective monitoring of energy use…
… Electricity To review and renew the Council’s LASER contract by September 2020. MSDC Corporate Estates and Facilities Efficient and affordable and where possible renewable energy procurement of utilities Existing Budget Develop Energy Management Policy by September 2018 MSDC Sustainability Officer/Corporate Estates and Facilities to enable a practical and planned response…
… and sustainability principle built into new housing and infrastructure development. Secured External Funding District Plan – Sustainable Design Adopt a Sustainable Design and Construction Policy which sets out measures which development proposals must incorporate in order to minimise energy use, use renewable sources of energy, minimise waste, maximise recycling and limit water use. MSDC DL…
… annum Metered bills Energy consumption (electricity and gas) in Council buildings* TBC Reduce by 3% per annum Stark Online Energy Portal % of energy used in Council buildings from renewable sources* TBC 5% by 2023 Stark Online Energy Portal Greenhouse gas emissions from Council buildings TBC Reduce by 3% per annum Stark Online Energy Portal meter % of Council employees using…
… HECA Data Number of people who have switched to a cheaper energy provider 0 200 by April 2020 Heat for Health Events, Big Energy Saving Network, Sussex Tariff Data …