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Search results for "energy management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as energy strategy, energy saving, and energy savings.

1 result

West Dunbartonshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…% reduction by 2020 (replacing the original 50% target); • 75% reduction by 2030; • 90% reduction by 2040; and • ‘Net Zero’ emissions by 2045. The commissioning of the project aligned with the renewal of the Council’s Energy Strategy and Carbon Management Plan, providing an ideal opportunity to integrate all documents into one Climate Change Strategy. Whilst the climate emergency has focused minds…

… 2018 – 2032 (updated 2020), Adaptation Scotland’s Adaptation Capability Framework and the Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. Other relevant plans include national planning and energy policies alongside the Council’s Local Development Plan and delivery plans prepared by each of the Council’s service areas. This Action Plan is therefore designed to integrate with all…

…. • Develop and implement a Council water consumption reduction strategy for Council buildings. • Review the Council’s estate to explore the full potential for installation of renewable energy technologies. Where feasible and cost effective, accelerate the implementation of renewables projects. • Develop and implement a Renewable Energy Strategy. • Where feasible and cost effective, the Council…

… developments, whilst minimising overheating risks. • Where feasible, we will consider options to retrofit, renovate and maintain existing domestic buildings over the construction of new buildings and developments. • Where feasible and cost effective, implement domestic building sustainability, energy efficiency or design standards which go beyond standard mandatory regulations. In all decisions…

…; Organisation Wide Scottish Energy Officers Network (SEON) Scottish Government Council Capital Council Revenue Scottish Government funding: LCITP; GGA Energy Savings Trust (EST) SALIX Currently monitored on an annual basis alongside carbon reduction targets - this is reported to Scottish Government through mandatory climate change reporting. Monthly Monitoring & Targeting (M&T) of high…


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