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Search results for "energy management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as energy generation, energy generation, and energy usage.

1 result

Tandridge District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Page 1 of 9 Our Climate Change Action Plan – Strategic Priorities 3. Energy Generation  Expand renewable energy generation capacity across the District.  Develop localised smart energy systems that focus on providing low carbon energy to local businesses…

… National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), to ensure our planning policies support our commitment to climate change. For example: facilitating the delivery of low-carbon, energy efficient new residential development that produces a net-gain in biodiversity, improves air quality, and produces infrastructure that enables the delivery of wider ambitions on local renewable energy generation, vehicle…

… 7. Industry and Green Economy  Utilise digital technology and develop relevant skills amongst our workforce to support the creation of green technologies, jobs and products in the District.  Pursue energy efficiency improvements in local industry and businesses that reduce consumption and decarbonise energy usage. 6. Land Use and Food Systems  Working with the agricultural…

… quality. - Support low-income/vulnerable - households or those who may not have access to private chargers. - Support behaviour change. 1 Mar 2021 Scope how the Council can support community energy schemes Energy Generation - Reduce fuel poverty in the District - Reduce carbon emissions in District. 2 Mar 2025 Produce climate change communications plan (e.g. Council website, single-use…

… collection and processing Waste, Resources and Circular Economy - Reduce carbon emissions in District. 2 Mar 2022 Support the Surrey Air Alliance with their action plan Transport & Air Quality - Support behaviour change. - Improve District's air quality. 2 Ongoing Scope installation of renewable energy generators in the District (e.g. battery storage, wind, solar…


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