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Search results for "energy management"

Including the closely related terms energy generation, energy generation, and energy company.

1 result

Stratford-on-Avon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… in partnership with a local Community Energy Company Dec-21 31/03/202 4 Costs to be included 1.2 above Costs to be included in HDP (see 1.2 above). Potential for savings to arise 1.5 Any residual carbon emissions arising from Council buildings after 2025 will be balanced by either direct investment in equivalent renewable energy generation projects…

… to export surplus generation to the grid or other local uses by a) working with public sector partners; b) reviewing all WDC and SDC buildings to consider the potential for roof top solar energy generation c) exploring the potential to partner with Community Energy Companies See Ambition 1 PDCC; Assets [££] CAF (see ambition 1); Grants Potential income for surplus energy

… Decarbonisation Fund. Nil Nil 1.4 We will ensure all electricity used by the Councils is from renewable sources. Nil Nil 1.5 Any residual carbon emissions arising from Council buildings after 2025 will be balanced by either direct investment in equivalent renewable energy generation projects or in a recognised local carbon offsetting fund. [££] [££] 2 D e ca rb o n is in g C…

… is available at, or close to, places of work [£] [£] 2.4 Any residual carbon emissions arising from Council travel after 2025 will be balanced by either direct investment in equivalent renewable energy generation projects or in a recognised local carbon offsetting fund. [£] [£] 3 D e ca rb o n is in g C o u n ci l C o n tr ac ts 4729.0 tCO2e per year 3.1 We will ensure…

… from waste Within existing budgets 5.2 We will invest in a new local Multi-Recycling Facility Within existing budgets 6 L an d U se a n d N at u ra l A ss et s 90,000 tCO2e by 2030 See Ambition 3, themes 1,2, 3, 4 7 E n er gy S u p p ly 2,088,000 tCO2e by 2030 7.1 We will support an increase renewable energy generation across South Warwickshire…


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