Including 4 closely related terms such as management, manage, and energy generation.
… on climate change reduction measures provided to all contractors Environmental Management Policies obtained for all contractors Carbon emissions data collected for all contractors Council & Contractors 2021 2021-2022 2022 All Departments All Departments All Departments 3.4 Investigate energy generation options across the Council estate and work…
… with external organisations to consider the use of heat energy networks and renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Report developed for the consideration of energy generation in Council buildings. Council & Partners 2023 Facilities Management 3.5 To review the current recycling provision within Council buildings with a view to increase recycling rates. Increased…
… or vulnerable households with energy efficiency measures including funding under ECO or ECO Flex and advice on renewable energy generation. Baseline and set Annual targets for the amount of households supported to improve energy efficiency and/or reduce fuel poverty through measures installed and advice provided Council & Partners 2025 Environmental Health 9.4 Encourage reduction…
… to ensure that all residents and businesses can access information that supports them to make positive choices in relation to climate change, including information on energy management and efficiency, biodiversity and water conservation Website updated Council 2021 Programmes and Transformation / Environmental Health 12.7 Consider the development of a Citizens Group to influence and assist…