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Search results for "energy management"

Including the closely related terms energy generation, energy generation, and sustainable energy.

1 result

Slough Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, to provide a greater quality of life for communities and biodiversity, as well as remove harmful pollutants. Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2006-2026 Policy 8 of the Slough Local Development Framework Core Strategy outlines the need for a reduction in the unnecessary use of non-renewable energy and the vision for energy generation from renewable resources where feasible. Slough…

… activity, but that arise as a direct result of activity outside of a local authority boundary, such as out-of-boundary transportation for goods and services delivered locally. Basic principles of SCATTER Sir David MacKay’s “Sustainable Energy - Without Hot Air (2009)” provides the basis for the pathways modelling. As a scientific advisor to the Department for Energy & Climate Change (DECC…

… have applied the model to various cities and local authorities. Please be aware that SCATTER Pathways applies a calculated electricity factor based on renewable energy generated within the local boundary, which is not applied in the calculation of your area’s inventory. This results in a slightly different starting point for SCATTER pathways compared to the baseline inventory. 1 DECC…


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