Including the closely related terms energy planning, and energy plan.
… the course of 2020 with Northern Powergrid and Northern Gas Networks in relation to Local Area Energy Planning, Future Energy Scenarios, and city-wide for- ward investment programmes to facilitate Net Zero project delivery. NEXT STEPS - Conduct Local Area Energy Plan for area of city supplied by a single substation over course of 2021 and assess options for scaling up to city-wide view. - Continue…
… Statements in pro- gress. NEXT STEPS - Establish Development Manager training and internal up-skilling of NCC staff in relation to Sustainable Construction and Modern Methods of Construction. - Review and update Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan. E8 Continue to support local SMEs with access to energy audits and energy grants through the Business Energy Savings Team (BEST) project…
… is currently underway. NEXT STEPS - Considering options for further energy saving business support with North of Tyne Combined Authority and the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NE LEP). PAGE 5 PAGE 6 T IMELINE: Page 7 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1…
… if demonstration project is successful and financeable. 2 3 4 5 1 E12 Continue to develop world-leading programmes of research and invest- ment into enhanced renewable energy generation and storage and improving efficiency of generation through our universities. PROGRESS UPDATE - Newcastle University have engaged in a research programme for supplying the Helix District Energy Centre…