Including 9 closely related terms such as organisation, energy generation, and energy projects.
…. Capital £2m GF (initial sum) Support the Cosy Devon Partnership, the Local Energy Advice Partnership, and similar to enable networking, project collaboration and the testing of new solutions between local authorities, community energy organisations, installers and other interested parties to deliver domestic energy retrofit measures by seizing opportunities for grant funding and market offers…
… or more dwellings to connect to any existing decentralised energy network and larger scale developments to explore options to deliver such a network as part of the development. Ongoing EF Requiring connection to local energy networks and green energy suppliers. Support and encourage both commercial and domestic renewable and low carbon energy projects through the granting of planning…
… permission for developments such as solar panels, wind turbines and other renewable energy solutions where they comply with Strategy 39 of the Local Plan. Ongoing EF Encouragement for renewable energy generation applications. Pilot the Council Tax and Business Rate discount scheme for those who install energy efficiency measures to their homes or business as funded by BEIS. Evaluate and report…
…. September 2019 AW Officer and member support for the strategy and actions Accelerate the upgrading of insulation and energy saving measures in the Council’s housing stock. Install air and ground source heat pumps when upgrading of off-gas properties. Upgrade insulation to minimise fuel poverty. Complete an up to date stock condition survey to identify where interventions and improvements…
… will have the greatest impact. April 2020 AGJ Update improvement and planned work programmes to accelerate the range and number of energy savings measures provided in Council homes. EDDC CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN 2020 – 2040 (Ten Point Plan v7) MITIGATION Capital £42m HRA Develop and acquire energy efficient Council housing or housing that can be improved to low carbon standards…