Including 4 closely related terms such as energy use, energy generation, and energy generation.
… and productivity from high temperatures - warming UK temperatures, combined with demographic change, may lead to an increased risk of overheating. The number of heat-related deaths in the UK could more than double by the 2050s from a current baseline of around 2,000 per year. 3. Risk of shortages in the public water supply, and for agriculture, energy generation and industry - climate change…
… with details of inclusions and exclusions are set out in a Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2018/19 report in annex 1. This provides part of the audit trail and baseline data for future years comparisons. As might be expected our energy use in buildings and our procurement, travel and transport account for the major part of our carbon footprint. Our council housing stock accounts for a high proportion…
…. Whilst this strategy is primarily concerned with reducing the Council’s emissions, we do intend supporting and encouraging others to take a similar journey towards becoming low carbon. In 2017 (the most recently available data), emissions totalled 1,067,223 tonnes CO2e. The amount for stationary energy used was 386,484; transportation 344,101; waste 88,641; industrial processes and product…
… the commercial and public sectors; • Introduce smart meters and energy storage solutions in East Devon; • Develop heat supply networks to deliver low carbon heat in East Devon; • Increase the amount of energy generated locally using renewable technologies. Low Carbon Development • Buildings in East Devon to be built to high standards of energy efficiency incorporating on-site renewable…
… a transport infrastructure which supports more low carbon travel options for people in East Devon; • Reduce energy use and embodied energy in transport infrastructure; • Manage transport infrastructure and services to prepare for climate change; • Encourage non-car travel for all sectors of the population, through targeted advice, incentives and enforcement; • Reduce the air pollution from…