Including 5 closely related terms such as manage, management, and management approach.
… estate C or better Outcome 6.1: The Council’s carbon emissions are managed and reduced. EB2 Embed good practice energy management approaches into facility and building management decisions, targeting a reduction in carbon emissions. Head of Parks, Estates and Property #%Reduction in Carbon Emissions Outcome 6.1: The Council’s carbon emissions are managed and reduced. EB3 Work in partnership…
… and Omagh District Council’s Climate Change and Sustainable Development Action Plan from 2021 - 2024. It describes why we need to act now, how we are going to achieve the outcomes of our Climate Change and Sustainable Development Strategy and our rigorous approach for the first three years. Energy efficient buildings and local zero carbon energy generation will reduce carbon dioxide emissions…
…% increase in on-site renewable energy generation (kWh) by 2025 compared to the 2017/18 baseline. We have committed to ensuring that 100% of all new Council staff will be given training on energy-awareness as part of their induction. Between October and December 2020, we generated the lowest waste arisings of all Councils in Northern Ireland at 14,844 tonnes and consistently generate the 2nd…