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Search results for "energy management"

Including 6 closely related terms such as energy use, energy generation, and energy generation.

1 result

Blackpool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… needed to get to net zero. With the natural resources of the sun, wind and tide at our disposal suggesting the potential for us to become an important centre for renewable energy generation, we should be pushing for more. The Council intends to lead by example, and I believe we will not be the only organisation offering leadership. This plan gives Blackpool a focus and the impetus to start our…

…’s has significantly reduced our emissions, and new government policy is set to continue this trend. Locally, we have a strong public transport system, with low levels of car ownership, and overall energy consumption is lower than in areas with large-scale manufacturing businesses. This means that the share of emissions coming from domestic energy use in Blackpool is above the Lancashire…

…, and setting out better standards for new properties to make them more fuel-efficient • Industry – developing technology to remove carbon from the atmosphere mechanically, and exploring the use of Hydrogen in industrial processes which need intensive heat • Resources – looking at ways to encourage investment in green energy generation, expanding off-shore wind farms, and supporting sustainable timber…

… several significant projects that will make a real impact to energy use and renewable generation as this action plan evolves. • A “just” transition – Blackpool is the most deprived local authority area in the country. Our climate assembly told us that they wanted to make a difference, but that we had to consider local people’s economic and social situation. We undertook an equality analysis…

… and incentives for households to change if we are to reach our targets. Some of our most important actions include: • Build 30 new Council houses and retrofit 120 more with enhanced insulation and air-source heat pumps, plus deliver and learn from “eco coach” training on energy saving techniques • Build new council housing to the highest efficiency and pollution standards (EPC standard A or B…


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