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Search results for "energy management"

Including the closely related terms energy use, energy programme, and energy use.

1 result

Herefordshire Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… change, energy efficiency, renewable energy -4884 -2271 Partners Purchase green energy, energy efficiency programme, behaviour change -2840 -1753 Green energy Purchase green energy -2138 -1652 Projects Energy efficiency and renewable energy programme, pool cars -563 -563 Contracts Waste, building management and cleaning, catering, social care, transport -436 -363 Better ways of working Behaviour…

… 280 280 Green energy Purchase renewable electricity 933 539 -428 1044 1044 Green energy Purchase green gas 1094 1094 608 Projects Energy effciency and renewable energy programme 127 428 555 555 Projects Pool cars 8 8 8 Contracts Transport tenders 290 73 73 436 363 Better ways of working Staff travel plan 37 33 30 100 50 Better ways of working Fleet review 0.5 1.5 2 2 Better ways of working…

… to audit their energy use and follow a series of activities to help them save energy, carbon and money. The more engaged the school is with the activities the more they will save. All members of the school can participate and should be encouraged to do so, the more that participate the more successful the school will be. Most of the activities are absolutely free and will help the school save…


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