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Search results for "energy management"

Including 9 closely related terms such as energy use, building energy, and energy generation.

1 result

Reading Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… that 459 tCO2 can be saved, or 2.3 % against the 2008/09 baseline. • Building lighting: within the retained estate, building energy use needs to be addressed. LED technology has developed significantly since the Council first installed it over 10 years ago. All buildings should have the lighting upgraded, and controls installed where appropriate. Typical energy savings from LED lighting range…

… the last six years, so although energy use in kWh has decreased by nearly 50% since 2008/9, spend on energy has remained relatively stable. Carbon emissions reduction over the last 10 years has mainly been achieved through reductions across the building and street lighting estate. Reduction in building energy use has accounted for nearly three quarters of the total emissions reduction, whilst…

…, against a 2008/9 baseline, to include provision of sufficient renewable energy to meet net zero carbon emissions by 2030. To meet these 2025 targets, on an annual basis we will need to reduce RBC’s energy use by an average of 4.4% per year, and double our renewable energy generation every two years such that we are generating 50% of our energy from renewable sources by 2025. We will also adopt…

energy generation 4.3.2. Action plan 4.4. Smart 4.4.1. Planning for the future 4.4.2. Action plan 5. Conclusions Classification: OFFICIAL Appendix 3: DRAFT RBC CORPORATE CARBON PLAN 2020-25 3 | P a g e Classification: OFFICIAL 1. Introduction The use of energy, water and other natural resources is essential to the operation of Reading Borough Council and in providing…

… meaningful progress towards being zero carbon in its operations by 2025. Our vision for the Council in this Carbon Plan is therefore to: ‘lead by example and work in partnership towards achieving net zero carbon operations by 2030’. Setting ambitious yet realistic targets for carbon reduction and renewable energy generation by 2025 will be important to keep us on track to the ultimate goal…


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