Including the closely related terms energy use, and energy use.
… annually� Report on emissions produced, in better detail where possible� Take steps to ensure the council’s future electricity supply is provided by 100% renewably generated sources� Source Council’s electricity from a supplier providing 100% renewable electricity. Explore opportunities for renewable energy generation such as solar PV that can be used to contribute directly to powering Council…
… Realization of predicted energy savings (and associated carbon emissions) during first full year of operation� Installation complete to support purchase of new EVs� Redevelopment of Shrub End Depot to decarbonise the site, improve management of recyclables and help support the transition of the fleet to electric vehicles (EVs)� Installation of electric vehicle charge points. Improvements…
… that will establish plans for reducing emissions from the housing stock� Reviewing plans for upgrading assets and setting an appropriate target for reducing emissions from the housing stock by 2030� January 2021 – September 2021 Strategy produced which sets targets for carbon reduction for the housing stock by 2030� Increasing the energy performance of 100 Homes to reduce energy use and tackle fuel…
… connections to residential, commercial, health and leisure sites� Project ongoing and due for completion in 2024 Site built to standard to produce no more than 33�4 kg/m2 CO2 per year� Explore the creation of a microgrid to link up new sites of solar PV generation to Council assets to decarbonise our energy use� Conduct feasibility study and development of a business case for a solar PV farm…